Wednesday 13 March 2013

Footing Forms

Nothing too exciting in this update :(

We didn't make it out to Fuller Heit's today but Sandy's Mom and Dad (affectionately known as Muti and Vati) went out to see what was new.    Sandy's Mom took some photos of the footing forms being constructed today.  So we continue to see progress.  Hopefully the footings will be poured this weekend.  We are expecting cold temperatures and snow tonight and tomorrow.

Vati and Muti knew the fellow working on the forms.  He was a framer that they had used previously on one of their house builds and has worked quite a bit with the builder we are using.  They say he is known for putting together a very well framed house.

The hole in the ground seemed so huge but now we can see the extent of the house foundation.  Clearly the excavation left lots of room for weeping tile and backfill.

Keep checking in.  I will try to keep this blog up to date so you can see this house begin to take shape.

Take care,

Les and Sandy

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