Monday 29 April 2013

End of April

It has been a while since I have updated this blog.  A lot has happened since the last posting.

The floor joists showed up one day in early April and before we knew it they were installed with the main beams to support the sub-floor.  After the sub-floor was completed the weeping tile were installed around the outside perimeter of the basement.  Drains for window wells were also installed at the same time.  Soon after that the framers started to build and erect the exterior walls.  Backfilling of soil around the basement has also been completed.  The roof is supposed to go on this week.

Here are some pictures showing the progress to date.

Here is a photo of the tile drain along the outside of the basement foundation.

The basement windows will have window wells.  The vertical tile drain facilitates drainage from the window well.
View of the NW corner of the house.  The corner windows by the big tree is where the kitchen will be.

Here I am standing in my library at the front of the house.

Exterior walls are up.  Backfilling in progress.

I also bought a new macro lens for my camera.  I went out to Fuller Heits yesterday to take some pictures hoping to find some signs of life in the forest.  Well I ended up fascinated with the lichens on the poplars.  Here are some photos of the lichens with my new lens.

I also was able to take a few pictures of the mosses growing on the forest floor.

This little guy (or gal?) was quite perturbed at me for taking his picture.  He just wanted to be left alone.

The snow pack has largely melted in the forest now.  It seems the forest is ready to spring to life any day now as it wakes from its long winter slumber.

Hopefully we will see the roof framed this week.  Stay tuned.

Les and Sandy

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